Ricky Crespo

Ricardo Crespo was born in Buenos Aires, in 1970. Publicist, musician and Plastic Artist, he ventured into art as a self-taught artist since he was little.

A professor at the University of Buenos Aires in the department of Typographic Design, he attended numerous workshops, including that of the great teacher Juan Doffo.

In 2003 he founded the Plastic Research Group (GIP) with which he proposed: "to investigate the multiple artistic paths, define the plastic moment, get involved with history, and thus, forget it." From that moment on he began to work in different and at the same time heterogeneous series, seeking in each one a reason for study.

His numerous individual and group exhibitions have led him to exhibit in places such as Palais de Glace, C. C. Recoleta, C. C. Borges, C.C. Rojas, Casa de la Cultura de la Ciudad de Bs. As., Dirección Gral. de Museos, Casa Rosada (in the framework of commemorating 25 years of Democracy) and the Argentine Embassy in Chile.

He was selected for the National Hall Awards and the OSDE Foundation awards and in the recent Chaco Art Biennial, among others, in addition to holding exhibitions in important galleries and art fairs in the City of Buenos Aires, such as Expotrastiendas and ArteBA, among others.

His work is found in important collections in Argentina and the US. I am a plastic artist interested in moving the limits of art. I am a plastic artist and musician and typographic designer. I am a lover of esoteric topics and the frivolity of pop. It is It is that contrast that interests me: the human spiritual potential and the conditioning of society and the system in which we live, a consumer society.

He lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina.